пятница, 25 июля 2014 г.

Working with PowerPoint Backgrounds

It is very easy to modify the PowerPoint backgrounds see that. You can change the color of the PowerPoint slides. For example, you would like to select the color for the background. Let us say it is a light green color. Here is the instruction what you should do to achieve this result:
1.      Find the menu <Format>, and then click on the <Background>. Now you can see the PowerPoint background dialog.
2.      Fill the section in the PowerPoint background. Now click on the arrow from the list in order to open it.
3.      On the PowerPoint dialog box <Colors> you should click <More>.
4.      Go to the color section and select the shade for your green color.
5.      Then click <OK>. In such a quick way you will close the dialog box <Colors>.
6.      Now it is necessary to click the button <Preview>, which you can found in the PowerPoint background dialog box in order to preview the color of the color for the background.
7.      Finally, if you are happy with the chosen color, it is necessary to click the button <Apply>. Now the color of your PowerPoint background is changed to the light green, as you wished before.
When it comes to change the pattern of the PowerPoint background, you should follow these six steps:
1.      In the beginning it is necessary to go to the menu <Format>, and then you should click <Background>. Now you have just activated background dialog box.
2.      Now you should click the list box <Background Fill>. Then it is necessary to click <Fill Effects>. The dialog is activated now.
3.       Then go to the tab <Pattern>, click on the pattern which you would like to have in the PowerPoint pattern box. Now you can easily preview all the patterns, which are situated in the box <Sample>.
4.      If it is necessary to change the PowerPoint background in Smiletemplates or the pattern color of the foreground, you should choose either background or foreground from the drop down list.
5.      Now you can click the button <OK> in order to close the dialog box <Fill Effects>.
6.      Finally, you can click the button on the background dialog box <Apply>.
Every time before the presentation of your PowerPoint slides to the audience, it is highly recommended to recheck the spelling of the text. There is a special <Spelling Check> which can do it for you. Always use it when you create a PowerPoint presentation if you want it to have a professional outlook. In the beginning it is important to activate the spell check, so that all your PowerPoint slides can be checked. Here is a step by step description:
1.      Go to the toolbar <Standard>. Now click the button <Spelling>.
2.      If the program detects any spelling error, the dialog box will appear.
3.      You will be provided several suggestions of the alternative way to spell. All these suggestions are given in the box <Change To>. PowerPoint program offers additional suggestions, which can be reasonable as well.
4.      If you do not like any of the suggestions, you can disregard clicking <Ignore>.

5.      And finally if you have found the best way to spell, click <Change>.

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