пятница, 25 июля 2014 г.

Will Your PowerPoint Presentation Attract Future Investors?

Let us imagine a speech on "Pasta Factory" - the best investment opportunity". The speaker begins with his PowerPoint template you can see describing natural conditions in the country; then he turns to how these environmental conditions affect the effective ways of growing crops; then to the difference between starch and gluten in different wheat varieties; then ... well, it's absolutely not important - then nobody is listening to our speaker.

It is absolutely unclear why the speaker tells his audience all this information. How can he logically relate it to the theme of the main speech? What issues will be examined further? And when finally will the speaker focus on opportunities for investment in this.
So now we can see that a good and professional PowerPoint presentation helps the speaker show the general logic of his presentation, correlations between sections and the ratio of specific topics.
It is much easier for the listener to pick up the thread of your performance, if at the beginning of the presentation he can see the content and the overall logic of the presentation, clear transitions from one section to another, the position of the slide in a presentation after each section, the conclusions. At the end of your presentation should be an overview of the given presentation, its plot and the main conclusion.
Unfortunately, according to some statistics, competent visualization of the structure occurs in less than 1% of PowerPoint presentations. And when the structure of the speech is unclear to the audience, the speaker's speech may be perceived as a statement of a set of unrelated facts or statistics, and the presentation will be considered as the "endless" series of slides.
Clearly representing processes is quite important as well. And now try to imagine that the geometry teacher explains the new material without using the board and chalk. All he has are just words. Another good example – do you remember, telling something to your friend, you shouted: "Well, how I should explain ..." - and you began to "draw" in the air.

Presentations are essential. Sometimes during a speech, it is necessary to explain something, which is very difficult
to be explained with words. In such a case, it is recommended to use maps, charts, tables, diagrams, drawings, samples, design and other purely visual things. For example, in order to explain a juicer device, it is much easier to use markers and flipcharts than just words. It is hardly needed to rewrite data sheet products on the board. The most effective solution would be to draw a juicer with a few signatures. It is possible to provide information using PowerPoint presentation. The result can be the same or even faster, more precise and aesthetic.

Now let’s examine an emotional impact through images. In fact, the most important thing for us is to simplify understanding and comprehension of the information for the audience. The ability to use photos, videos, animation, design elements can also effectively influence on emotions of participants.

Overall design of any professional PowerPoint presentations web site
sets the tone of the speech. For example, sometimes during serious events we can see PowerPoint presentations with "funny" design elements and a poor layout. It produces approximately the same impression as if the person gives you a crumpled, dirty business card, printed on the packaging carton with Microsoft Office clipart instead of the company’s logo.

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