понедельник, 30 июня 2014 г.

Usage of PowerPoint templates.

Preparation of the presentation is a set of documents, which consists of PowerPoint templates web site and the manual on presentation creation and layout.
PowerPoint templates provide such advantages as:
-      Distinct presentations made in corporate identity
-      Saving of time spent on the preparation of presentations
-      Improvement of presentation effectiveness
Long texts and documents are often difficult to read because of their sameness and monotony. That is why PowerPoint templates help to create presentations which are easy and comfortable to read, simple in search and interesting in browsing.
PowerPoint templates are documents which include templates for:
-      Slides of different types (text, graphics, tables, charts, diagrams etc.)
-      Presentation structures (relative positioning of sections and links between them)
-      Animations
-      Photographs
-      Special elements (control elements, PowerPoint operations etc.).
Each slide of the PowerPoint presentation has its own features which effect on its view during the display:
-      The size of the slide
-      Slide lay-out (position of headlines, texts and objects on the slide)
-      PowerPoint template to this (design)
-      Affects
A new presentation can be created using different methods:
1.      Based on the templates
-      Blank templates (for the creation of the new presentation from the very beginning) and last templates in use;
-      Installed templates;
-      So called “My Templates”;
-      Templates from the existing document.
2.      Based on Microsoft Office Online:
-      Ready presentations;
-      PowerPoint templates and slides;
-      Charts, calendars etc.

PowerPoint templates base on the presentation peculiar features. In case of need a set of templates can be created for different lines – educational, business, reporting etc. There is a big variety of template categories which can be presented as follows: agriculture, architecture, fashion, business, communication, technologies, culture, relations, finances, entertainment, restaurants, hospitality, industry, medicine, music, nature, animals, religion, science, sports, transport, tourism, meteorology etc.

PowerPoint templates are more effectively used when accompanied by graphical manual. Graphical manual is a specific interactive PowerPoint presentation you can see which describes all steps of work with PowerPoint templates. The manual is a book with pictures written in a very comprehensible language and includes a big number of examples and explanations. This allows every worker independently create effective and well-designed presentations taking the corporate identity in consideration. Normally the manual includes information adjustment rules, templates operations guide, presentation patterns and useful recommendations.
Creation of the presentation includes such actions as choosing the general design, adding new slides and their content, choosing layout, changing the design if needed, changing the color scheme, applying different templates and creating animation effects for the slides demonstration.

Choosing the template is a very important step on the way to the creation of the presentation. The success of your presentation depends mainly on the chosen template. It must be prepared and designed in a specific way to point out the advantages of your presentation. Keep in mind that your template can be both bright and plain. And don’t forget that the style of your performance and information must fit the design you choose for your presentation.

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