суббота, 5 апреля 2014 г.

Creation of Your Own Template in PowerPoint

Any creativity is the fascinating process. Working in PowerPoint, we try as much as possible to make the presentation more beautiful, substantial and clear. For this purpose skilful masters use all means that are accessible to them – pictures, animation, films, schedules, diagrams and so on.
The design template is the presentation having the special format and the color scheme which you can apply to any presentation for giving to it a special effect. As a design template it is possible to use any presentation. The presentation template is the presentation filled with offered contents and having a non-standard format and the color scheme. The presentation template is used as an initial material for a new presentation.
PowerPoint is completed with a rich set of PowerPoint templates of design, but you can modify any of them according to the requirements or create a new template of design, using the format and the color scheme of already available presentation. You can create your own template of presentation including a special format and the color scheme, and also the contents that are offered by you.
Creating the PowerPoint template, the file POTX is made, in which the user changes of the samples of slides remain, and the breadboard models are saved. The templates are used for the creation of the same presentations look at this as they allow storing the information, on which basis it is possible to format slides uniformly.
Each template is contained by the sample of PowerPoint slides at least with one breadboard model for the use in the presentation.
Standard templates are created by the designer, but it is possible to create the template by means of one or several samples of slides, having added breadboard models and having applied a theme.
It is possible to find many beautiful phones and templates for the creation of PowerPoint presentations in open spaces of Internet; however, they do not always correspond to our plans and requirements.
Execute following actions for to create a template.
1. Apply one of the standard breadboard models which is in the appendix Office PowerPoint
2. Press button Microsoft Office, and then press the button to “Keep like”.
     3. In the field “a file Name” Enter a name of a file or leave a file name by default.
      4. In the list “file Type” choose PowerPoint Templates and press the button “Keep”.

If you have already a text of report it means that the half of work is already made. You need only to transfer the text on slides (but only the basic moments), to issue presentation (a font, a background or a template), to add animation, video or an audio record and all is ready!

Certainly, time, knowledge of Adobe Photoshop (or other graphic programs) and abilities of the designer are necessary for the creation of the professional PowerPoint templates go here. But to make an original template for the presentations of any ready picture it is necessary for very little time. The PowerPoint program allows receiving tremendous results, and at the same time it is easy for using, as it performs a huge volume of work instead of us.

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