вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Creating PowerPoint Presentation Template

If you have something explosive to say, then say it! Increase the impact of your speech with PowerPoint template. In this article there is a collection of tips from various sources and people. And no matter how well you know PowerPoint program, the practice will only increase your knowledge and skills.

Why should you use PowerPoint presentation template? It can be quite a challenge to convince your boss, your colleagues and clients that you are not just slacking in the office. If you can download something new about sales, about customer service, costs of the company and something regarding the improvement of the work efficiency, you will need to show this information to them. Your Web-presentation for the conference call will depend on how well you can use these tips on preparing PowerPoint presentation template.

But why is it so necessary to surprise and amaze your audience. Here is the answer to the following question, which bothers many people from all over the world:

1. You want your audience to understand what you are going to tell them;
2. You want your idea to be evaluated on merit;
3. You need to reduce prices;
4. You have a great project that will bring a lot of money;
5. You want to be in boss’s list and to be promoted;
6. You want to impress your colleagues;
7. You want to minimize time and money spent on the Web-conference.

Many of these reasons are personal, but they aim to tell of the new idea or project loudly and clearly, in order to avoid any kind of confusion, delays with an implementation and loss of income. You can get not only applause but also their approval.

It's high time to have a look at few tips for preparing a professional PowerPoint presentation.
So what are these tips for preparing a professional PowerPoint presentation, which will make your arguments the most persuasive? Here
they are:

1.      Avoid long sentences on the PowerPoint slides. Try to stick to a minimum of 7-10 lines. Remember: you need to show not only words but images as well. Use only key words and phrases instead of long sentences. Your boss is not interested in looking and moreover reading long texts.

2.      The text size of your text should be big enough, but should not exceed 20-32 sizes. Your headline should be within 32-50.

3.      Limit the number of Power Point slides. People can not understand everything, if you have a huge number of slides that need to be shown in a short period of time. Try to devote at least 45 seconds per a slide, and do not hurry. Let your ideas reach the consciousness of the audience. And do not speak monotonously. Do your best to speak with expression, pauses when they should be. All this will add a positive effect to your presentation.

4.      Do not create too colorful PowerPoint slides. Focus on the traditional white background with dark text. This is the most suitable option for the lighted room. If you intend to display your presentation in a darkened room, then use the two-colored slides.

5.      Use animation rationally or there can be some risk of creating confusion and distraction from the main theme.

6.      Follow the timing of the performance. If you have limited time to show your presentation, you should always check how much time is running your presentation.

These tips for creating PowerPoint presentations are to help you improve your performance at the upcoming meeting.

среда, 12 марта 2014 г.

Create a great photo album with PowerPoint slides

We all have memorable pictures that we would like to watch time to time as well as show our family and friends. You can use for this purpose a traditional photo album, but you can also use PowerPoint presentation see that to make a great photo album. Photo album made of PowerPoint slides can be viewed from any location, even if you are away.
There is no need to carry whole album with you, if you are going to travel somewhere. You can also send your album to friends without any problems and difficulties. In fact, album made in PowerPoint application can be very nicely and originally designed. Another advantage of photo album made in PowerPoint application is that there is no need to print out your photos as you can use them soon they are on your PC.
Many nice templates can be found on the Internet as well as nice PowerPoint slides that you can use to create your photo album. In the end, your photo album will look like a slide show with one or more pictures on every slide. Making photo album is a very creating process and sometime it is very good if have a sample that we can use in our work.
The photos you have in your collection need some organizing, if you want your album to look interestingly. For instance, you can separate your personal pictures and create a separate album with your photos only.  There are many templates on the Internet that you can use for making photo album in PowerPoint application and you will easily find the one that suits your wishes the most. In order to make your photo album to be interesting, you should choose appropriate slides. Thus, if you have picture of you (if you are a male) working out in a gym, it probably would look very funny, if you place it on a slide with pink background.
In PowerPoint application you have some templates to use for making a photo album. However, the options you have there are somewhat limited and many people prefer to surf on the Internet to find templates and slides they would want to use in their photo album.  
If you want to make a photo album for your baby, you will probably like to get templates with nice and bright PowerPoint slides. If you are making an album for you and your lover, you might want to add romantic background.
There are special templates for making album for special events, like wedding. Using them, you will keep your photo organized and kept in a very nice form. In fact, photos kept in your photo album created with PowerPoint presentation will remain of the best quality unlikely to photos kept in a traditional photo album.
Getting a great template for your photo album is a half of success. The second half depends on your fantasy and creativity.  If you have some photos, do not wait any longer and make a great presentation of it to share with your friends and family.

Do you want to have your memorable photos organized nicely? Use PowerPoint application and special templates created by professionals on PowerPoint slides. There you will find many great variants suitable for make awesome photo albums. Visit PowerPoint templates for better result and experience.


среда, 5 марта 2014 г.

Choose great PowerPoint themes to make awesome presentation

Design is all about colors, shapes, themes, etc. and of course about harmonic combination of all of the elements. The presentation should have a nice design as the main point of any presentation is to present some information in a visual form. The design of the presentation, of course, if it made nicely, is able to attract more attention to the presentation. In order to make a great design of the presentation it is important to choose the right backgrounds, themes, etc. for the presentation. Making the theme by oneself can be something “fantastic” for most people and this is why a range of great PowerPoint themes to this which are made by the expert are offered on the Internet and in PowerPoint application.
If you need very quick and nice variant, then you can search for a good theme in PowerPoint application. The choice of the themes is somewhat limited in this application, and this is why there is a chance that you will not find something what would look great in your presentation.  A really wide choice of the presentation themes and various backgrounds can be found on the Internet and if you want to find something gripping, then it is worth to spend some time on searching.
PowerPoint themes that would look in your presentation great could be on several website and this is why in order to find them at once, you should make a search and use the keywords. The more keywords you use, the closer you will be to what you are searching for. This is possible on condition that you have a pretty clear idea about what you are looking for. For instance, if you need a theme for making a business presentation, then you add into your search “business” and if you wish to get a theme in green color, then you just add “green,” and so on.

But this is if you know what you are looking for, but you may have no idea what your presentation should look like and in this case you will have to see some example to understand what you like the most. You will still, however, need to know what category your presentation belongs to. For instance, it can be invitation, business offer, etc. and you can just find the section you need and go through it in order to find something what you like. Do not be afraid to experiment and try all themes that you like.